This site is an the extension of the High School Freshmen Music Classes of SPPC. It is designed to extend important information such as assignments and projects to all Freshmen students specially during a long break due to cancellation of classes or extended holiday seasons. Students are also encouraged to post comments and inquiries on this page.
Historical Development of Philippine Music
The First Year Music Program aims to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the eight elements of music and transform these into musical experiences.
It offers a more comprehensive study of Philippine Music history, from the periods of Pre-Spanish time, Spanish Era, American Era up to the present or contemporary period of Filipino music. The students will be provided with hands-on training in playing varied ethnic instruments. Such experiential learning is aimed for a deeper understanding of the importance of traditional music in discovering the Filipino cultural identity.
It will also cover a wide variety of styles of music compositions of our national artists and great composers who gave their contributions to the development of the Philippine music industry. This will intensify the students’ admiration, respect and pride towards the creativity and resourcefulness of Filipinos in the realm of music.
The program will also provide the students an introduction to guitar music. They will be given instructions that will allow self study and practice of the instrument. Sessions dedicated to this program will provide opportunities for students to acquire the skills in strumming/plucking and playing basic chords patterns. This will enhance students’ skills in harmonizing simple melodies.
The course provides a wide-range of innovative and enjoyable musical activities like sight-reading, song analysis, song interpretation, instrumental improvisation, simple composition and musical appreciation through perceptive/discriminative listening that will enhance the students’ musicality.
MC Granda
SPPC High School Department Music Area